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3 day Professional Development for Social Enterprise Advisors
23rd - 25th June Consider the business model behind social enterprise *Working with clients to develop plans and outline proposals *Advising your clients on the market place and viability *Tools of the ...
Event date: Tue, 23 June 2009�� Read more... on "3 day Professional Development for Social Enterprise Advisors"

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News from SW: Enterprising Britain 2009 - a great opportunity for local Social Enterprises

The annual Enterprising Britain (EB) competition seeks to find the most enterprising place in the UK - seeking out areas of enterprise excellence, where the support and encouragement of entrepreneurs and businesses will help stave off the worst of the economic downturn and bring us out stronger on the other side.

All entrants must represent an identifiable geographic area, such as a town, a city, a parish or neighbourhood and be able to demonstrate that enterprise is central to the economic and social transformation of that area.

The 2009 competition has two distinct stages:

* A regional competition managed by SWRDA.

* A national competition run by the Make Your Mark campaign, on behalf of BERR.

A prize package of �10,000 is offered to the regional winners (subject to SW RDA approval of how it is used). In addition, all regional winners should receive publicity at both a regional and national level, through the competition's dedicated media relations campaign. The deadline for the SWRDA to take receipt of entries is 30th April 2009.

Further information can be found here or by phoning Andrew Youl on 0117 933 0226.