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Social Enterprise Advisor: Professional Development
23rd-25th March. Three day training to provide you with all the knowledge and skills you need to meet the SFEDI Social Enterprise Standards. RISE recommends SFEDI accredited social enterprise advisors to social enterprises
Event date: Mon, 23 March 2009�� Read more... on "Social Enterprise Advisor: Professional Development"

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Other news: Do you work in a community based food enterprise and would like to receive mentoring support?

Are you an experienced member or manager of a food based social enterprise and would like to share your skills and experience as a mentor? Join Skillshare

Could you and your social enterprise benefit from mentoring support?

This is a unique opportunity for you to:
� Increase your skills and knowledge
� Help your social enterprise succeed and grow

Skillshare provides FREE practical hands-on support and personal development for you and your community-based food enterprise, in the form of experienced mentors.

This support can be provided to staff, managers and board members through face-to-face contact, visits, telephone and email. Up to 2 days mentoring is available initially.

Could you be a Skillshare mentor?

Skillshare are looking for leaders from successful community food enterprises to offer practical support to their peers in similar organisations across their region. You will have in depth experience of setting up and/or running your enterprise and be able to respond to the requirements of mentee organisations by sharing relevant knowledge and experience.
Rates: �25 per hour, equivalent to �200 per day, plus VAT & travel. Maximum 2 days per case.

Application forms and Guidance notes for the Skillshare mentoring programme can be found at www.makinglocalfoodwork.co.uk/news
Closing date for Spring mentor applications is Friday 20th February 2009, 5pm
There will also be recruitment at other times as required by the programme beneficiaries.

If you�re unsure whether Skillshare is right for you and want to discuss things further, please feel free to get in touch:

Richard Snow, Enterprise Support, Making Local Food Work, Plunkett Foundation.
Tel: 01993 814388, Email: .